Sunday, October 1, 2017

Vampiress XXX Review: "Cathula 2: Vampires of Sex"

The Gist: Various ghouls, demons and the devil bring female victims to the Vampiress Cathula

Clarification: This film has less plot than the last one and that's saying something considering how little plot the last one had.  In fact there is very little carry over from that film whatsoever.   Basically it's almost two and a half hours of non stop sex and orgies with dark horror backgrounds involving actors with altered voices with an attempt at a movie in the first 10 and last 20 minutes.  You honestly could go the entire film without knowing it's a vampire movie which is how little that aspect is even acknowledged after the first 20 minutes or so of attempted plot involving the resurrection of Cathula.

Selling Point: The lesbian scenes are the only really watchable parts of the movie which pretty much make up half of it.

Female Vampire Factor: On top of the above point about the quality of the lesbian scenes, the one around the 40 minute mark of the film is literally the only one in which the women show any fang at all despite the fact that this film is supposed to be about women being turned into vampires as both women have fangs out the entire scene.
Other than that the only other time you see a woman with fangs in this vampire movie is the very last scene in which Cathula (Cathy Berry) fangs out into the camera.
Lack of a linear story pretty much kills the enjoyment factor of this franchise for me.  I get it's a porn and you're only supposed to watch it for sex but when you attempt a plot, just kind of tossing it around and throwing in effects and edits for the sake of doing it, that hurts it more than helps it.  It's almost as if watching the first and the second hours are almost two different movies (and had the whole movie been similar to the last part of it the film would have been much more enjoyable).  In fact, edit this movie down to an hour centering it around the Cathula scenes and adding a scene set up or two would make this movie pretty good.  I give it a Vampire Beauty rating of 2 out of 5.

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